
- Independent Entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurship Consultant
- Practitioner and Business Coach
- Social Entrepreneur
- Academics in the field of Entrepreneurship
Indonesia as a developing country with high economic growth potential and supported by a wealth of natural resources & a large population as well as the rapid development of information technology both in terms of infrastructure and applications will give birth to many new business opportunities. This condition will of course also create the growth of new entrepreneurs from various industrial sectors including home industries.
The Entrepreneurship Study Program at the Jakarta Institute of Technology and Business is here to prepare people with entrepreneurial spirit who are reliable in capturing various business opportunities, including in the creation and development of start-ups. In this program, students will be able to form an entrepreneurial mindset by developing new creativity, patterns and ways of thinking. In addition, practically students are also trained to execute business projects in the real world that focus on opportunities and problem solving.

To become a pioneer and superior study program in the field of entrepreneurship in ASEAN by 2035.
- Organising entrepreneurship education to produce independent graduates who have scientific competence in entrepreneurship with a global perspective, leadership spirit and fear of God Almighty
- Conducting research in order to apply and develop entrepreneurship knowledge to create reliable entrepreneurs
- Organising community service in the field of entrepreneurship to generate new business ideas, creativity and innovation that are beneficial to stakeholders
The Uniqueness of Entrepreneurship Studi
The Entrepreneurship Study Program at the Jakarta Institute of Technology and Business is here to prepare people with entrepreneurial spirit who are reliable in capturing various business opportunities, including in the creation and/or development of start-ups. In addition, this studi allows graduates to build a career as a business consultant for business actors, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), become practitioners and business coaches who are able to develop business hubs and become a companion for MSME entrepreneurs. This studi shapes graduates into becoming a social entrepreneur who creates a business by providing the greatest benefit to the community and becomes an academic in the field of entrepreneurship so that his knowledge can be poured into teaching and research to develop the industry.
The uniqueness or advantage of this Institute is the business network of PT. K-Link International, which is global and has been operating in more than 100 countries, which translates as a place of practice or an internship for students of the Entrepreneurship study program. This study program is not only managed by academics who are competent in their fields, but also by practitioners and entrepreneurs in the MSME sector who are full of experience.

Semester 1
Religion Education
Introduction to Accounting
Business Math
Introduction to Management
Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
Semester 3
Business Ethics
Business Creativity
Business Information System
Operation Research
Feasibility Study and Business Plan
Business Operations Management
Business Communication
Semester 5
Electronic Commerce
Commercial Law
Brand and Selling Management
Supply Chain Management
Negotiation Technique
Entrepreneurship Research Methods
Business Strategy and Policy
Semester 7
Rural Area Internship (PKL)
Semester 2
Indonesian Literature
Civics Education
Marketing Management
Financial Management
HR Management
Business Law
Semester 4
Corporate Budgeting
Consumer Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Entrepreneurship Practice – 1
Cost Accounting
Semester 6
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Digital Marketing
Entrepreneurship Practice – 2
Leadership in Business
Social Entrepreneurship
Integrated Quality Management
Semester 8